Friday, August 13, 2010

New EDLV Site

I have finally finished setting up the new EDLV site! There are still some minor tweaks here and there but at least it's back on the web and we're back in business. I am so happy to have it finally figured out. Here's a snapshot of the home page:
Go take a peek at and feel free to share your comments and suggestions because websites are definitely a work in progress. And stay tuned! An actual post on event-related topics will be coming very soon.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Been M.I.A.

Wow! It's hard to believe I haven't posted a blog since May. What a summer! Truth is, I've been keeping busy by planning my own special event coming up this October (58 days... Can't wait!)

I've also been M.I.A. because of a website technical problem which I'm working on alleviating asap. I should be back up and running, at the top of my game (hopefully) within the next week or so. Looking forward to getting back into all-things-event-related as we near into my favorite part of the year: fall!

Be back real soon...